Saturday, October 24, 2009

Pumpkin Walk

Thursday night Rich took the girls and I to Beaver Lake for the annual pumpkin walk. It was a warm night with light rain. Not enough to slow us down. There were two .3 mile trails that we took. Everyone had fun guessing what the carvings were.

Laura liked the Yankees carving. Not sure why when no one in our house watches or even follows baseball. Must be the influence of Rich.

A close up for all those Yankee fans.
Kelly on the other hand just liked the World Series carving. Some of my favorites were the butterfly carvings and the traditional scary cats.
When I was downloading my pictures, I found that Gary and the girls were playing with my camera this week. Aren't they a funny bunch?
This morning Kelly was playing "circle time" with her friends. Circle time is how school starts for her. I found it interesting that she had her friends bring a tractor with them for the day. Who said girls couldn't play with dolls and tractors? Even the red old International finds its way to circle time with the rest of the John Deere tractors.